As a therapist, addictions counselor, life coach, massage therapist, hypnotherapist and empath myself, who specializes in empowering clients to make peace with their ancestral and familial trauma, hence life.

Thereby shifting from being a victim, to becoming an empowered empath.

I know the challenges of being a highly sensitive person.

When overwhelmed with the impact of stressful emotions, empath’s can have panic attacks, depression, chronic fatigue, food, sex and drug binges and many physical symptoms that defy traditional medical diagnosis.

Lets face it, in the past few months. The amount of stress we have been enduring is unprecedented. The overwhelm, is frankly – overwhelming.

While we continue to give our time, energy, love and compassion to everyone around us. It is time to stress less and become more gentle, loving and compassionate with ourselves.

Learn how to direct the love and compassion you give so freely to others, toward yourself. Drink deeply, savor and relish your own medicine and gifts.

Gently and slowly. Fill your cup with Karuna, which is Sanskrit for compassion, for yourself, family, community and the planet.

As we ALL TOGETHER NOW,  navigate our journey into the unknown and recreate our world.