Unlock Your Intuitive Gifts & Transform Your Life

Personalized Coaching & Soul Alignment for Healers, Highly Sensitive People (HSP), Empaths, and Neurodivergent Women

I believe knowing that we are Wayshowers, is paramount. As it requires a paradigm shift that empowers us to transform and work through the spiritual initiation of living in this world owning our gifts and soul purpose.

                                Coaching For Empaths, Highly Sensitive People & Neurodivergent Women                             

                                            As an empath, HSP or neurodivergent, do you take on the energy of people, places and things around you?                                          Are you easily frazzled by bright lights, loud music and crowds?          

                                                                     Do you sabotage yourself by putting the needs of others before your own?                                                                              Do you feel isolated and unable to find people like yourself?   

                                                  Do you have amazing intuition, do people love to talk with you and can you sense when people are lying?                                          Wondering how to navigate constant sensory overload & a delicate nervous system?

                                    I specialize in empowering empaths, highly sensitive and neurosparkly woman to reclaim their sovereignty                                  heal from trauma with a focus on narcissistic abuse. Learn how to go from feeling overwhelmed to remaining centered, calm and firmly grounded in your power.

Thrive by stepping into the highest version of your beautiful sensitive self & own your intuitive gifts.


I believe knowing that we are Wayshowers, is paramount. As it requires a paradigm shift that empowers us to transform and work through the spiritual initiation of living in this world owning our gifts and soul purpose.

                                                                               As a healer do you feel burned out, depleted and exhausted.                                                                                              Have you done your share of inner work, are successful, yet find yourself uninspired and questioning whether you want to continue?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Or do you need a tune up and support clearing out stuck energy and worn out business and spiritual practices.                                Are these challenges making you think that it might be time to revisit how you want to serve?

                                                           I specialize in empowering healers to recover from burn out, reclaim their energy,                                                                 regain their focus and to realign with their life purpose. 

                                       My coaching is holistic, gentle, with a dash of humor, play and lots of empowerment. I offer powerful effective                                                       alternative & holistic tools, tailored to meet your individual needs and goals 

During my comprehensive, Unlock Your Intuitive Gifts program I will combine & seamlessly weave together:

                                                                  Your soul blueprint ( astrology, numerology, birth name) with my life coaching skills,                                                                                                           intuitive gifts (claircognizant, clairsentient, medium) health coaching expertise (Lyme, hormones, heart, insomnia),                                                          energy medicine (essential oils, color, flower essences, muscle testing, eft).

                                                    Along with the knowledge gained living on Navajo checkerboard land, owning  2 herbs stores &                                                                                    2 health and wellness centers serving the indigenous population, treating medicine men, studying with                                           Kahuna and Huichol Medicine men & women.

                                                        Wisdom gained from working with Dr. Tieraona Lowdog, Rosemary Gladstar and numerous                                                                                                                      revered & well known herbalist. Finally healing myself alternatively & holistically                                                                    from cancer, lyme, mold, dental issues, addiction, narcissistic abuse, familial & ancestral trauma.

                                       Often, when we find ourselves in times of transition – whether in our career, relationships, or health –                                                                             it’s because we are not aligned with our our life purpose. There are penalties for not using the gifts                                                                                                                      and talents you were born with, as your deepest fulfillment in life                                                                                                 comes from carrying out your soul’s purpose.

              Sign Up For My 3 Month Unlock your Intuitive Gifts Program for Healers, Empaths, HSP & Neurospicy Women           Embrace your Sensitivities & Align with your Soul Purpose 

During this multi level program we will cover:

                                                           Your physical body – identify and working on any minor or major health challenges.                                                                                                                         Your mental body – contemplate your thoughts, beliefs and story you tell yourself throughout your day.                                                                                      Your emotional body – discover the top 3 emotions that dictate your day & how to release them.                                                                                                  Your spiritual body – shift your beliefs and reviewing your practices.                                                                                                                                                      Your energy body – review your present spiritual hygiene & adding any necessary tools                                                                                                                    Your soul purpose – discover your gifts, why you are here and how you are born to serve                                                    Your business – revisit and tweak all aspects or create a new one


         (A PDF of your Soul Blueprint, along with a coaching session to answer any questions is included.)

                               I will be scanning you energetically and reading you in a gentle non invasive way, with your permission, throughout our time                                                    together. I generally do not share what I know, unless I feel it is helpful or necessary for your growth and in order to reach your                                                    goals. I lovingly hold space for you to come to your own conclusions and awakenings when your nervous system                              and whole being is ready.

Email me (sun@leilasun.com) to schedule a complimentary phone call designed to see if an are a good fit and for pricing. 

I look forward to speaking with you soon. Namaste & Nizhoni.

Leila is a healers healer, Mary Poppins, a shamanette & limited edition.

Magnesium & Mineral Cream

I lovingly hand craft this thick, luxurious cream rich in 4 different minerals designed to help restore and replenish minerals needed for sleep, relaxation and overall body function.

Organic Face & Body Cream

I handcraft this thick, rich and luxurious cream designed to hydrate and nourish young and mature skin.

Organic Sleep & Stress Ease

I hand crafted each organic herb into a tincture and then blended them into this formula designed to bring you deep and peaceful rest.

Organic Cough Ease

I hand craft each organic herb and blend them into this sweet formula designed to ease a minor cough.

Mineral & Magnesium Tonic

I combine 4 minerals with a broad spectrum profile, that helped me have more energy and at the same time feel relaxed, was very suportive during my years of chronic illness.

Arnica, Calendula, St. Johnswort Oil

I joyfully grow and lovingly harvest the Arnica, Calendula on my land and wild harvest St. Johnswort from a sacred site in the pristine mountains of Boulder, CO.

Mushroom Delight

I combined over 7 types of mushrooms designed to support your feeling strong and to navigate stress. This is a one of a kind recipe, make sure to try this on, its special.