Life Academy for Empaths

A unique, 3-month private coaching experience designed to help highly sensitives empaths discover and cultivate their intuitive gifts & overcome trauma standing in the way of shining their light.

Dear Highly Intutive & Gifted Empath,

Discover, cultivate, and optimize your intuitive empathic gifts.

Do you see, hear, feel, see and know things about people and places that others do not?

Did you know that hearing is called Clairaudience, seeing is is called Clairvoyance, sensing is called Clairsentience and knowing is called Claircognizance?

Possessing the clair abilities is a gift few receive, let alone are born with. As an empath, you are one of these people gifted with skills that can change the world.

Life Academy for Empaths is a unique, 3-month private coaching program designed to help empaths discover and cultivate their intuitive gifts.

Understand Your Intuitive Gifts

As an empath, it can be hard to understand that those around you are unable to hear, see, know, or feel what you do, as quickly and naturally as you do.

You are like a finely-tuned tuning fork, taking in new and valuable information daily – much like a radar for emotions and intuitions.

But what if your gift was frowned upon as you grew? What if you began to silence your abilities when others didn’t understand your understanding?

You may feel ashamed and embarrassed by the things you knew were true. You may have tried to “shut it down and turn it off,” – but you know deep down that you can’t.

So you’ve tried to ignore your gifts – and paid a significant price. Fatigue, anxiety, illness, and depression arise when your gifts are silenced and suppressed.

Over time you lost your self-confidence, felt isolated, and became lost. Your status quo has been your normal for so long that you are unaware that your intuition is actually a gift.

It’s time for you to reclaim your self-esteem by discovering and cultivating your intuitive gifts.

Rise Up & Shine with Life Academy for Empaths 

If you are ready to break the chains binding your empath potential, then it is time to join the Life Academy for Empaths. Imagine having the information and insights to help you rediscover your latent power.

Together, we will create a metaphysical binder containing the details of your Western, Chinese, and Native American astrology, numerology, life destiny number, and animal totem.

Each of these unique identifiers will come to you in a PDF packed with information regarding each aspect of yourself. You can then use these insights in a digital or physical form as a reminder to help affirm who you truly are!

We will then identify and name each of your unique and special gifts and teach you how to be conscious and aware of when they are activated. This knowledge will empower you to act with confidence and empower you to help yourself and others.

We will discuss….

Were you born with your gifts?

Did they come from your paternal or maternal side?

Are you a starseed, lightworker or wayshower – or a combination?

What type of at least six different empaths are you?

Once you have discovered and understand your gifts, we will…

Work through your fears, concerns, and or trauma around using your gifts.

Help you understand why you are highly sensitive, feel like a black sheep, and overwhelmed in life.

Learn how silencing your gifts negatively impacts daily life – and how to use your gifts to create alignment, synchronicity, and flow in your life.

Learn how to manage your delicate nervous system.

Learn to embrace, honor, and cherish your gifts.

Learn how to navigate energy vampires, narcissists, sociopaths, and psychic attacks.

Learn how to use your gifts from a clear, loving, and grounded place.

Understand that there are penalties for not using the gifts you were born with.

I expertly weave together psychic downloads, practical tools, energy medicine techniques, shamanic practices, intuitive insights, and coaching techniques that will empower you to overcome your fear.

Together, we will help you shine as the highly gifted empath that you are by learning how to identify, cultivate, and embrace all of the intuitive and psychic abilities that you were born with as an empath.

These gifts are part of the operating system you came in with. It’s time you learned how to navigate and unleash your unique system!

Remember, you lose a piece of your soul when…

  • Your mission in life goes unfulfilled.
  • You ignore, hide and suppress your inner knowing and wisdom.
  • You do not utilize your intuitive gifts in a way that brings wealth into your life.

These misfortunes cause pain, depression, anxiety, and addiction. You may find yourself using alcohol, drugs, and medication to tune out information and downloads you don’t know how to manage.

The gifts you were born with are your mission in life and are meant to be used for others and yourself!

Program Outcomes

Depending on your unique situation, below are some the specific results you can
look forward to and enjoy when you join this program:

Physical Outcomes
  • Revitalize your nervous system – sleep through the night and wake feeling rested.
  • Reset your hormones – have more energy.
  • Reduce pain, inflammation and illness.
  • Reboot your immune, neurological and digestive systems.
  • Gently and consistently detox from heavy metals and chemicals.
  • Minimize herxheimer reactions and know what to do when they occur.
Mental Outcomes
  • Regain control of your daily thoughts so they stop sabotaging your life.
  • Revisit and rewrite your biography so you can rebuild your biology.
  • Build neuropathways by creating new life stories.
Emotional Outcomes
  • Immediately stop your emotional despair from taking over your life.
  • Release the emotional trauma that turned on your disease genes and learn how you can turn your healthy genes back on.
  • Use the feelings around your illness to empower you on all levels, feel hopeful, inspired and empowered.
Energetic Outcomes
  • Master daily cleansing rituals to clear yourself from other people’s toxic thoughts, emotions and energies.
  • Release old ancestral patterns and karmic contracts causing anxiety and depression.
  • Learn extreme self care techniques to unwind your energy sensitive nervous system.
Spiritual Outcomes
  • Cultivate a spiritual practice that will guide you when you are in pain or feeling hopeless.
  • Learn how to unconditionally love yourself throughout your healing journey.
  • Release any judgement, impatience or ill feelings toward yourself for being sick.
  • Understand that Lyme is your best friend and will teach you where you need to grow.
  • Reawaken and align with your true and authentic self.

 Life Academy for Empaths

Life Academy for Empaths

This program is a 3 month program that includes 9 (60) minute one-on-one phone coaching sessions.                                      Designed to help you discover, cultivate, and LOVE using your intuitive gifts.

In Life Academy for Empaths, you will:

  • Receive your astrology chart, life destiny number, Native American astrology, animal totem, and personal healing colors.
  • Create a spiritual profile of all your metaphysical gifts and put them into your own special binder.
  • Learn how to navigate your fears, concerns, and dilemmas around sharing your gifts with family and friends.
  • Get to the bottom of what is keeping you from using your gifts.
  • Learn how to stay grounded, keep your energetic field clear and set firm boundaries.
  • Trust, nourish, cultivate and love using your gifts.

During your sessions, you will learn how to:

  • Navigate toxic and unsupportive family members, spouses, friends, or family who don’t understand your gifts.
  • Unravel from the narcissistic, energy-sucking vampires in your life.
  • Become comfortable setting verbal, spiritual, and energetic boundaries with yourself and others.
  • Reclaim your self-esteem from years of feeling like the black sheep, being gas lighted, feeling unloved and unseen.
  • Learn tools and methods that will help you to use your gifts in a practical way.
  • Trust your abilities, rise up, shine and fulfill your mission in life.
  • Love, embrace and use your gifts to make your life and world better!

Your Time Is Now. Join the Life Academy for Empaths

Learn how to touch people’s lives and be of service in clear, healthy, and meaningful ways. If you have spent a lifetime ignoring, denying, and fearing your gifts, then this program is for you!

Investment in Life Coaching, Optimizing & Monetizing Your Intuitive Gifts 

3 Month Program –  Receive 9 (90) minute one-on-one phone coaching sessions, sessions are every other week or as desired and the program includes unlimited email access within reason.

This program is designed to help you discover who you came into this world to be, what your gifts are, begin to learn how to use them and unravel and familial trauma in the way of your shining your light and monetizing your gifts.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Payments can be made via Paypal, check or 10% discount for cash. Payment plan available upon request. 

Not sure if the Life Academy Program for Empaths is right for you? Let’s talk!                                                                      Schedule your FREE Discovery Session below in the pink bar.

Life Academy for Empaths is the only program of its kind

Life Academy for Empaths is the only program designed to help you discover, cultivate, and LOVE using your intuitive gifts.

Receive your astrology chart, life destiny number, numerology, Native American astrology, animal totem, and personal healing colors.

Create a spiritual profile of all your metaphysical gifts and put them into your own special binder.

Learn how to navigate your fears, concerns, and dilemmas around sharing your gifts with family and friends.

Get to the bottom of what is keeping you from using your gifts.

Learn how to stay grounded, keep your energetic field clear and set firm boundaries.

Unravel and unpack any familial or ancestral trauma blocking you from shining.

Are you ready? I look forward to helping you discover and cultivate your gifts. Embrace being an empowered empath!


“Feeling as if I was a tangled mess, she allowed me a safe non-judgmental, supportive space to begin to unwind the knot of emotion, reflect on each point of distress, understand it, and understand the need to surrender to the situation(s) at hand.

After releasing my frustrations and fears, she then gave me very useful tools to cope with heightened emotions in the future and allow for peaceful navigation through troubled times.

At a moment where tension was extreme, she gracefully supplied validation and solid understanding of the bigger picture, which helped tremendously to ease stress and allow me to begin the path of healing.” – Alexandra F

“I want to express my gratitude to you for being the first healer to really see me and understand.

Every time I worked with you I always felt empowered and full of light afterwards.

The work you do is so profound. I would not be where I’m at today had you not come into my life.

I see you as a truly gifted healer.”

– Donna W.

“Thank you so much for empowering me to face and heal not only me at my core but my daughter as well.

This work will change the frequency of my child and her children.

A real authentic hug to you!”

– Janine
